Monuments to Dead Empires
By Matthew Piasecki
What makes a structure into a monument?…
8 January 2025/by Anita Jakubik
Lety U Pisku: The Story of the Porrajamos
By Winter Cameron
500,000. That is the approximation of how…
8 January 2025/by Anita Jakubik
Remembering Solidarity: Poland’s Identity of Resistance
By Matthew Piasecki
For nearly 230 years, Poland has…
11 December 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Breaking the Silence: The Neglected Narratives of Women During War
By Katya Kauth
On the night of June 10, 1942, in the quaint…
9 December 2024/by Anita Jakubik
The Confusing Logic of the Berlin Wall
By Danny Alpers
No city in my mind has been more affected…
7 December 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Jarocin: A Beacon of Hope Where Hopelessness Reigns
By Winter Cameron
“We created our freedom within. That’s…
5 December 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Poland’s Warsaw Rising Museum: A Complex Legacy of Heroism and Civilian Suffering
By Emma Poper
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 was the largest urban…
4 December 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Exploring the Bavarian Quarter- How Lessons of Memory are Passed Through Art
By Nicholas Wilkerson
During our trip to Berlin, we visited…
30 November 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Looking Down to Remember: Stolpersteine and Europe’s Forgotten Lives
By Emma Poper
Walking along the streets of Europe is one of…
28 November 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Reclaiming Memory: The Forgotten Story of Pohulanka
By Katya Kauth
In July of 1946, eleven guards -…
26 November 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Unity, Division, National Identity: 1000 Years of History at Malbork Teutonic Castle
By Nicholas Wilkerson
When our class visited the former…
26 November 2024/by Anita Jakubik
Confronting Auschwitz
By Danny Alpers
When I decided to study abroad, I chose the…
26 November 2024/by Anita JakubikA Dream Come True: Lessons Learned While Exploring East Central Europe, and the Value of Experiencing History Firsthand
By Anna Meehan
When I was young, my favorite book was “A History…
22 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Sejny as Inspiration for a Refugee Organization in Syracuse
By Sofia DaCruz
In northeastern Poland, on the border of Lithuania,…
22 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Historical Retelling of Polish-Jewish Relations: The PiS as Storytellers
By Sierra Kaplan
The stories we hear as kids remain in our memory…
22 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
These Walls Are Screaming: Graffiti in Central Europe
By Ian Eisenbrand
When moving through the streets and…
13 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Lost Narratives: The Roma Struggle for Recognition in Europe
By Leanne Rivera
Today according to the EU Multimedia…
12 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
(In)Accessible Spaces: Struggles and Solutions Through the Lens of Memorial Sites
By Sierra Kaplan
800 stairs down, 135 meters deep, 3.5…
12 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Living Spaces as Memorials and Places of Memory
By Andrew Emerson
Throughout human history there is no shortage…
11 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Observing Relationships Between Soviet Memorials and Public Memory in East-Central Europe
By Anna Meehan
Soviet memorials can be encountered across Central…
11 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Nature Is the Strongest Healing Force
By Kennedy Snyder
Throughout our travels and studies, we have…
11 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
The Linguistic Power of the Bavarian Quarter
By Charlotte Goodman
Jew (jü) Noun
1. a person belonging…
7 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
An Ode to The German Jewish History of Wroclaw
By Maddie Hartog
“After every war
someone has to tidy up.
7 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Treptower Park Soviet War Memorial: A View of Berlin Through Red Tinted Glasses
By Suryansh Singh
Situated alongside the serpentine banks of…
6 December 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Democracy Idealized Through Dinnerware: Small Objects Tell a Much Larger Story
By Abigail Wright
In the final stretch of our visit to Birkenau,…
30 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Memorials Made Visible: School Curriculums as Essential to Memory Work
By Sofia DaCruz
Walking through the streets of Amsterdam with…
29 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Pope Saint John Paul II and Reality vs Perception
By Andrew Emerson
Pope John Paul II is a figure whose legacy…
21 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Replanting the Tree of Life
By Charlotte Goodman
It’s a beautiful day. You’re walking…
19 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Remembering the Children of War
By Leanne Rivera
During the Second World War, countless children…
19 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Shades of Whiteness: Perceiving Restoration Efforts of Formerly Jewish Spaces Within Poland
By Sierra Kaplan
Every Rynek can leave the average tourist…
19 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
The Importance of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
By Kennedy Snyder
Throughout our time on the traveling…
19 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
The Kotwica
By Ian Eisenbrand
In Polish, Kotwica means anchor. It is also…
17 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
What is Effective Storytelling? City Wide Fantastical Creatures Compared to the Borderland Foundation
By Maddie Hartog
When walking through Krakow, I was inclined…
17 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Fortifying History: A Look at Castles in Poland
By Suryansh Singh
For me, visiting a castle is a mystical…
17 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
“Forum” and “Shrine”: A Tool for Analyzing Museums
By Sofia DaCruz
I have visited many museums in my life, subconsciously…
16 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Civilians During Polish Uprisings Memorialized in Exhibitions: Men As “Brave” And Women As “Selfless”
By Abigail Wright
Do not think, do not look, persevere, survive.…
16 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Cultures in Exile: The Impact of Ukrainian and Belarusian Identities on the Souls of Polish Cities
By Anna Meehan
You can tell a lot about a city from the sights…
16 November 2023/by Anita Jakubik
Underdogs: How Unlikely Figures Present Hope for Change
By Harrison Vogt
A Movement in Communist Poland Provides Hope…
19 December 2021/by Ula Klobuszewska
To See or Not to See: The Visibility of Historical Monuments
By Anna Sebree
The purpose of a monument is to be seen. A…
10 December 2021/by Ula Klobuszewska
Płaszów: A Recreational Park Built on a Concentration Camp
By Capriana Cormier
KL Płaszów was a Nazi concentration…
6 December 2021/by Anita JakubikRosja and Польша
By Max Goldberg
Current headlines about the state of political…
6 December 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Public Memory and Remembrance in Berlin
By Ella Farrell
With over fifty memorials and monuments, the…
6 December 2021/by Anita Jakubik
The 11th Commandment-“Never be a bystander”: Reflections of Human Indifference and Unresponsiveness to Atrocious Behavior and Why Speaking-Up Matters
By Harrison Vogt
In the poem Campo Dei Fiori, Czesław…
5 December 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Where can you Build a McDonald’s in Poland?
By Connor Arneson
In Kraków, south of Old Town, near the intersection…
2 December 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Confronting Memory in Urban Space
By Sophie Creager-Roberts
This semester I participated in courses…
2 December 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Castles: Telling More Than Just Fairytales
By Capriana Cormier
While in Poland, I had been able to visit…
2 December 2021/by Anita Jakubik
The Hidden History of the Holocaust
By Ella Farrell
On our bus ride to Treblinka, I remember not…
25 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Minyan Man
By Max Goldberg
A week before I was set to arrive in Wrocław,…
25 November 2021/by Anita JakubikLife After War: The Bad, the Bad, and the Worse
By Anna Sebree
There are no two ways about it: life after war…
25 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Poland’s Government is Winning the Battle for the Internet
By Connor Arneson
Throughout our travels in Poland, we…
24 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Historical Politics: An Enduring Dilemma
By Sophie Creager-Roberts
On November 12, 1989 --three days…
20 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
How Eco-Tourism Provides a Framework to Keep-Out Extractive Industries: Dobków, Poland’s Case for Protecting the Environment
By Harrison Vogt
The tale of an industry entering a town, extracting…
20 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Treblinka: The Invisible Extermination Camp
By Capriana Cormier
When people learn about the Holocaust,…
15 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
The Fallacy of Jewish History in Contemporary Poland
By Anna Sebree
Poland is a beautiful and complicated country.…
8 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Poland’s Government Preaches Flawed History… and so Did I
By Connor Arneson
Like most other right-wing governments, nationalism…
6 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
The Significance of the Sejny Synagogue
By Ella Farrell
The decision to spend a semester in Poland…
6 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Guarding Memory through Ecology
By Sophie Creager-Roberts
Since the end of World War II, Poland…
6 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
“Jewish-themed Restaurants,” the Jewish Mafia, and Other Reasons Why I’m Upset
By Max Ditchek Goldberg
Preface: I first began writing this…
6 November 2021/by Anita Jakubik
Roma Persecution Across Time
By Aaron Alonso
The Roma people have long faced persecution…
14 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Jewish Auschwitz Center: Putting Oshpitsin Back on the Map
By Jacqueline Murrer
The town of Oshpitsin sits in the…
14 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Germany Needs to Make Amends with Its Past Beyond Nazism: The Fight to Shed Light on Colonial History
By April Dvorak
Throughout my studies in Central Europe, the…
14 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Multifaceted Remembrance of Communism–The Good and the Bad
By Luke Burke
Soviet domination of Eastern and Central Europe…
14 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Memorializing the Marginalized Groups Within the Holocaust
By Hannah Gavin
As we are coming to the end of our travels abroad,…
13 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Don’t Judge Poland Before You’ve Walked Centuries in its Shoes, and Don’t Judge an Uprising by its Museum
By Esmé Rummelhart
An anthropologist-in-training, I am eager…
13 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Warsaw Uprising in Verse
By Caroline Simon
During World War II, Warsaw was the center…
13 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Displaced Polish Children During World War II
By Kate Christie
You’re a child, living in Poland…
11 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
In the Kazimierz district of Krakow, there stand seven synagogues
By Zoe Fruchter
In Poland, the presence of this many synagogues…
11 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Berlin Wall: More than Just a Physical Partition
By Madison Bollart
For the past couple of months I had been…
9 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
By Cesar Gray
We live much of our lives enclosed in walls, and…
7 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Otherization by the Nazi Regime
By Aaron Alonso
On our trip to Berlin, Germany we got a more…
6 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Comedy Post-Communist Wroclaw
By Luke Burke
My favorite place to go in Wroclaw has quickly…
5 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Holocaust Memory Through Personalization
By Hannah Gavin
Studying the Holocaust is an emotional task.…
5 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Mime Through Time: The Art of Henryk Tomaszewski From Post-Stalinist Poland to Today
By April Dvorak
To enhance my experience of studying and…
5 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
A Memorial in Dialogue: Reflecting on History in Berlin
By Esmé Rummelhart
Artists must make a multitude of choices…
5 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Resisting Fear: The Ringelblum Archive
By Kate Christie
Resistance can take many forms. It can be physical,…
5 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Oswiecim: Living in Auschwitz Today
By Jacqueline Murrer
When someone mentions the name,…
5 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Presence of Absence: Remembering the Holocaust on Yom Kippur
By Zoe Fruchter
There is a prayer towards the climax of the…
3 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
When Good Intentions Don’t Translate into Proper Actions
By Maryrose Dollard
During my travels through Krakow, Poland…
3 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Erasing the Past: How Totalitarian Regimes Sought to Camouflage their Crimes
By Madison Bollart
When we think about totalitarianism, an immediate…
3 December 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Navigating Berlin’s Ode to its Past
By Caroline Simon
Our walk ends in a huge square in the central…
20 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Peace where Peace was Lost: Civil Society’s Role in Challenging the Marginalization of Roma People
By Kate Christie
Throughout our travels across Europe, we’ve…
19 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Different interpretations of the Holocaust
By Aaron Alonso
In the various countries that we have visited…
15 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Peeling Back the Whitewash: Understanding Austria’s Role in the Past Through its Memorials
By Madison Bollart
Throughout our two weeks of travel in Central…
11 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
A Proper Monument to the Jewish Victims of the Holocaust
By Hannah Gavin
“How does one mourn for six million people…
9 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Right to be a Cosmopolitan
By April Dvorak
As I immerse myself in Central Europe…
9 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Opening my Eyes to Antisemitism’s Development in the Interwar Period
By Caroline Simon
Prior to embarking to Europe on my study…
9 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Hitchcock, Welles, Kurosawa, Riefenstahl?
By Luke Burke
I was unsure of what to do on my first night in…
9 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
How the Mob Mentality Affected Europe for 50 Years
By Maryrose Dollard
In my studies in Central Europe, the information…
9 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The House of Terror: A Distortion of Public Trust
By Jacqueline Murrer
Whether it be for art, architecture, or…
7 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Transmission of Memory
By Esme Rummelhart
Traveling through Central Europe, history…
7 November 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Beyond Monuments: Street Names as Alternative Memorials in Vienna and Wrocław
By Zoe Fruchter
“The everyday phrases are the hardest to change,”…
29 October 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Monopoly on Violence
By Cesar Gray
Say, if violence were a product, exchangeable…
29 October 2019/by Anita JakubikVideo Documentary: White and Stupid Confessions of an activist
Hanz produced a short documentary about Maciej Mandelt, a full-time…
6 February 2019/by Anita Jakubik
The Holocaust and the Principle of Humanization in its Teaching
By Mia White
The Second World War and its atrocities ended…
29 January 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Forgotten or Ignored; The Legacy of German African Colonialism
By Tayla Myree
“No matter what government happened to be…
20 January 2019/by Anita Jakubik
A Proper Memorial to the Holocaust
By Alexander Wilgocki
Europe, specifically Central Europe,…
20 January 2019/by Anita Jakubik
I Went to a Far-Right Nationalist March on Poland’s 100th Independence Day
By Raymundo Juarez
My professors warned us against it. They…
20 January 2019/by Anita Jakubik
A Living Paradox: Black and American in Central Europe
By Autumn McMillan
“In America, the color of my skin had…
20 January 2019/by Anita Jakubik
Who Are Memorials For?
By Jay Skelton
As our group traveled around Europe, the most…
21 December 2018/by Anita Jakubik
The “Other” Jewish History
By Meredith Conway
I don’t believe our visit to the POLIN…
21 December 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Desecrated Graves: Tombstones and Selfies
By Aren Burnside
When examining history, there is often a…
5 December 2018/by Anita Jakubik
The Contrast Between Life and Death
By Kristen Varganova
As we’ve traveled from one country…
5 December 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Memory Culture, in Three Parts
By Abbey Metzler
I had been in Poland for just…
5 December 2018/by Anita Jakubik
More than a Statistic: Memorializing Jewish Victims of the Holocaust as Individuals Rather than a Number
By Clare Toner
As I entered Auschwitz for the first time,…
5 December 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Observations from German History Studies
By Edward You
During my stay in Berlin, the experience…
27 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
The Children of Atrocities
By Anthony Russo
Before coming to Europe and seeing all the…
27 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Auschwitz-Birkenau: Working in Secret
By Kyra McDermott
In today’s recounting of history, Auschwitz-Birkenau…
27 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Suffering for Freedom: Socialist Realism in Memorialization
By Taylor Krzeminski
“Herein lies the strength of the Red…
26 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Who’s Watching?
By Sarah McLafferty
One of the most characteristic aspects…
26 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Rethinking Remembrance
By Rody Conway
The 20th century was a century of unprecedented…
26 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
What Constitutes a Good Museum?
By Ciera Moore
Since coming to Central Europe, we…
26 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
This History Is (Not) For You
By Aren Burnside
Monuments, memorials, and museums all attempt…
26 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
The Birth of an Idea
By Raymundo Juarez
At 6:00, on a Saturday morning, my alarm…
26 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Nations as Extended Family
By Autumn McMillan
I’ve been to five countries in the last…
20 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
The Political Power of Victimhood and Guilt
By Jay Skelton
Everyone has been a victim of something, of…
20 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
In the Public Eye: Budapest Monuments and the Idea of Victimhood
By Mia White
Budapest is known for its many gorgeous and unique…
20 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
The Roma Are People Too
By Clare Toner
Part of what drew me to the Central Europe…
13 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Let History Speak for Itself
By Kyra McDermott
In every corner of the world, monuments…
13 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Anachronistic Architecture
By Rody Conway
Can a city be out-of-place? Vienna and Budapest,…
13 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Overshadowing Holocaust Remembrance in Central Europe
By Taylor Krzeminski
In Central Europe, memorialization of…
13 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Places of Worship Commercialized
By Anthony Russo
During all of our travels the one thing I was…
13 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Children of The Diaspora
By Hanz Valbuena
“Asgard is not a place, it’s a people.”…
10 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Reformers, Protesters, and Dissidents in a Communist Czechoslovakia
By Alexander Wilgocki
Depending on your age, it may be difficult…
10 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Memorialization Through Romafuturism
By Tayla Myree
“We need a Malcolm X,” said Ladislava Gaziova,…
9 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Looking at Central Europe Through Its Synagogues
By Ciera Moore
The influence of Jewish culture and religion…
7 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Hammer and Sickle; Canvas and Brush
By Abbey Metzler
Let me tell you a story.
The year is…
7 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Is There a Common Memory Between Europe and China?
By Edward You
The year of 2018 marks the 5th anniversary of…
7 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Protesting a Memorial with Another Memorial: How Hungary Remembers Its Role in the Holocaust
By Meredith Conway
How can we accurately and fairly recount…
6 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
What Makes a Nation a Victim?
By Sarah McLafferty
There are certain elements of European…
1 November 2018/by Anita Jakubik
Painful Prague
By Kristen Varganova
Although all the countries we visited…
1 November 2018/by Anita JakubikA History of Anti-Ukrainian Sentiment in Poland
By Timothy Li
Although I have not personally attended the…
31 January 2018/by Ula KlobuszewskaThe Macedonian Crisis: A Tale of a Confused Nation
By Timothy Li
When people hear about the name Macedonia, usually…
31 January 2018/by Ula KlobuszewskaIrredentism in Orban’s Hungary
By Timothy Li
One of the most memorable moments that I had…
31 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
By Ivan Laryionenka
Lviv is one of those places that rarely…
31 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Rhetoric of Patriotism & Nationalism
By Diego Franco
“The difference between patriotism and nationalism…
31 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Viewing the Past from the Present
By Leah Killian
Berlin is filled with many monuments and statues.…
31 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Train World
By Kaitlin Kurdziel
When I was little, trains had always been…
31 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Losing Memories
By Kaitlin Kurdziel
My visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau brought…
31 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Things to Think About While Interacting with Memorials
By Deborah Sue-Ho
Earlier in the semester, it made me livid…
30 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Destruction and Reconstruction of Warsaw
By Gabrielle Marzolf
Within the Jewish community, it is a…
30 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Mark of Partitions on Polish Identity
By Gabrielle Marzolf
It is impossible to discuss the issue…
30 January 2018/by Ula KlobuszewskaComplex Memory in Berlin
By Bryan Alicea
In the 1932 German federal elections, Adolf…
30 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Rebuilding Berlin’s Identity
By Caroline Bartholomew
Berlin was founded in the thirteenth…
30 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
A Memorial to the Soviets, Not to Their Victims
By Cate Ferson
As Stalin and the Red Army made their victorious…
30 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Skirting the Line
By Cynthia Wang
We took it upon ourselves to go to Lviv as…
30 January 2018/by Ula Klobuszewska
Football Hooligans And Their Role In Polish Politics
Written by Ivan Laryionenka
Loud, radical, passionate and…
21 November 2017/by Anita JakubikDid Poland and Hungary Lose Their EU Pride?
Written by Ivan Laryionenka
A strong, prosperous and proud…
21 November 2017/by Anita JakubikResilience
Written By Deborah Sue-Ho
As I walked past barracks where…
21 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
Wawel Castle: An Enduring Symbol of Polish Identity
Written By Caroline Bartholomew
Throughout its long and tumultuous…
21 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
Baby Killers
Written by Cynthia Wang
What could I possibly hope to tell…
21 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
Ignoring the Memory of Auschwitz
By Cate Ferson
While looking through the calendar for this…
8 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
The Communist Terror in Hungary
By Bryan Alicea
During the Second World War, Hungary was allied…
8 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
A Monumental Dilemma – What To Do with Confederate Identity in America
By Diego Franco
“Monuments are the grappling irons that…
8 November 2017/by Anita JakubikAuschwitz: Graveyard or Media Platform
By Leah Killian
When visiting places like Auschwitz-Birkenau…
8 November 2017/by Anita JakubikThe Soviet Cover-up of Jewish Identity
By Leah Killian
Jewish Identity in Central and Eastern Europe…
8 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
Handling Memory through Public Memorials
By Deborah Sue-Ho
As Central European countries attempt to…
7 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
The Lety Camp
7 November 2017/by Anita Jakubik
Identity Without Representation: The Romani in Central Europe
By Gabrielle Marzolf
Most of the conflicts that caused and…
16 October 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Remembering the Holocaust in Budapest
By Bryan Alicea
Between 1941 and 1945, one of the most horrific…
16 October 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Budapest’s Memento Park: An example for America?
By Caroline Bartholomew
There is more to a monument than it’s…
16 October 2017/by Ula KlobuszewskaHow to Close Your Borders
By Cate Ferson
In the wake of the 2016 election, tensions…
12 October 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Central Europe through a Cake Lens
By Cynthia Wang
Fourteen days is a long time to be constantly…
12 October 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Decoding a Yard Full of Graves
3 July 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
My Work in the Service Learning Project and Why it’s Such a Meaningful Opportunity
By Eric Weisansal
Many of the historical sites we have visited…
26 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
A Road to Reconstruction
By Rachel Watson
The New Jewish Cemetery on Lotnicza Street…
26 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Memories Forgotten
By Samantha Schantz
Robert Kennedy once said, “There are…
26 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Experiencing the Berlin Wall Up Close
By Jeremy Covone
The Berlin Wall was only a vague image and…
26 June 2017/by Ula KlobuszewskaPreserving a Forgotten Past
By Stella Van Ness
The city of Wroclaw, Poland has a lengthy…
26 June 2017/by Ula KlobuszewskaThe Rise Of Dark Tourism
By Jonalynn Lao
There is no doubt that the tourism industry…
26 June 2017/by Ula KlobuszewskaEyes That Are Always Watching
By Maddie Petherick
During the era of the German Democratic…
26 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Gleis 17: The Site of Deportation
By Emily Nestler
The purpose of observing and studying the…
23 June 2017/by Ula KlobuszewskaThe Impact of Auschwitz
By Emily Nestler
The devastating story and journey of the…
23 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Remnants of a Complicated History
By Abigail Thaine
The city of Wroclaw has a long and complex…
23 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Experiencing the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial
By Dustin Ducey
In the prior days before visiting the Auschwitz…
23 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Restoring the History of the New Jewish Cemetery in Wroclaw
23 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Invisible Cemeteries
By Emilie Bouchard
Cemeteries have always been interesting…
22 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Significance of Cemeteries: A Service Learning Experience
By Spencer Cottman
When dealing with the passing…
22 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Soviet War Memorial
By Stella Van Ness
The Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, Germany…
19 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Monumental Progress: Memorials as a Part of Collective Memory
By Spencer Cottman
Collective memory is an important part of…
19 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Places of Awareness
19 June 2017/by Ula KlobuszewskaBroken beyond repair
By Rachel Watson
An experience that was particularly breathtaking…
19 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Trying to Walk in Their Shoes
By Maddie Petherick
Gleis 17 is the platform in West Berlin…
18 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
A Wall Without Borders
By Jonalynn C. Lao
The gorgeous city of Berlin; is home to…
18 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
One Path Leads to Another and Another
By Erin Harrison
As I stood on the platforms of Grunewald…
18 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Rise of Totalitarianism: East Berlin Through the Lens of George Orwell’s 1984
By Eric Weisansal
I never quite understood why most of all…
18 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Invisible Memorial
By Emilie Bouchard
As a child, whenever I visited a memorial…
18 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Feeling of the Holocaust
By Abigail Thaine
Time after time it has been said that seeing…
18 June 2017/by Ula Klobuszewska
Unintentional Erasure: Changing Monuments to Match New Historical Interpretation
By Brigitta Pupillo
I have mentioned before in my previous…
13 December 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
I Am Still Here
By Ali Dunbar
This morning I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to see who…
12 December 2016/by Ula KlobuszewskaA Major Identity Crisis
By Rosa Beyk
Nelson Mandela once said, “No one is born hating…
12 December 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Identity Challenges of Women in Resistance
By Lindsay Zerfas
Resistance to the Nazi regime took many…
12 December 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Dwelling in Countermemorials
6 December 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Justifying Memorials
21 November 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Two Visible Minorities in Prague: A Social Discourse of “Othering”
By Ali Dunbar
Prague is one of the most popular tourist destinations…
15 November 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Dwelling in Places of Violent Memory
15 November 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Imperfect quest for a “Perfect” Memorial
By Lindsay Zerfas
“We would like to know how you would generate…
10 November 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
German Memorials: Respect, Education and Reconciliation
By Brigitta Pupillo
From the start of our trip in Central…
9 November 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Reconciling National Narratives and Commemoration: Voices Still Waiting to Be Heard
27 October 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Remembrance through Knowledge
26 October 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Poland’s 1968 Anti-Semitic Campaign: Why Historical Dialogue is Important
By Brigitta Pupillo
When I first arrived in Central Europe…
24 October 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Spaces of Lost Memory
By Charlotte Oestrich
Every country has a past, as does each…
22 October 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Exploring the Concept of Stories in Central Europe
By Lindsay Zerfas
Stories are an integral part of many children’s…
22 October 2016/by Ula Klobuszewska
Auschwitz: The Challenge of Remembering
By Arielle Pressman
Today, the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau…
18 December 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Warsaw Ghetto Maccabee
By Arielle Pressman
Hanukkah 2015 has made it here, and like…
11 December 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
History Repeats Itself
By Domenica Vera
Berlin, the capital of Germany, is home to…
2 December 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Putting a Face to a Name
By Domenica Vera
I have been asked many times why I have decided…
2 December 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
By Katherine Vargas
Walking through the red and orange…
29 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Heaven is a Place on Earth
By Katherine Vargas
We disembarked our bus at a commercial…
29 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
“Hier Wohnte”
By Renata Husted
They used to live here. In this four-leveled…
25 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Aktion T4
By Monica Pellerano
I remember writing: writing lines, writing…
25 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
70 Years, 9 Months, and 20 Days
By Renata Husted
It has been 70 years, 9 months, and 20 days…
25 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Are We Actually Seeing?
Erin Kenney
Being in Berlin, a significantly historical city…
14 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Self-Hating Jewess Writes Pro-Palestine Article for Urban Labs Central Europe
By Farrell Brenner
Three months ago, I stood ankle-deep…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Berlin Wall: A Symbol of Oppression
By Marcin Zak
The Berlin Wall is a testament…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Creation of a National Identity through Militarization
By Monica Pellerano
Military Museums have so often been…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
My Big Fat Gyspy Wedding or My Big Fat False Portrayal?
By Erin Kenney
Several months ago, if someone asked me…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Auschwitz-Birkenau: Grappling with the Unspeakable
By Marcin Zak
To visit the old Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
I won’t write about Auschwitz.
By Farrell Greenwald Brenner
Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
How do we measure depravity: In meters? In feet?
By Monica Pellerano
You know how some of the most beautiful…
12 November 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Creating Identity Through Dialogue
By Domenica V. Vera
If there were any place I would choose…
27 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Vanishing Footsteps of a People’s History
By Katherine Vargas
Coming into this program, I knew little…
20 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
From Water Parks to Wake Up Calls
By Renata Husted
Type in the phrase “Vilnius Nightlife”…
20 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
One History, Two Narratives
By Erin Martha Kenney
During our travels in Lithuania and…
15 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
A New Light Shines for the Memory of Jewish Poland
By Arielle Pressman
When I first told my mother I wanted…
14 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
We don’t discuss the echoes
By Farrell Brenner
As a patrilineal Jew and a student…
13 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Warsaw is Rising
By Marcin Zak
In a perfect world, it would be difficult to…
13 October 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The East Side Gallery: Forum and Monument
By Michael Kosowski
To recall the first time that I, to use…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Memorials, Remembrances, and their Interpretations
By Megan Gorenflo
Berlin is a large and well-known city in…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe: Adequate Enough?
By Meagan Edwards
In the heart of Berlin there lies a monument.…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Field of Stelae
By Kylie Britt
A memorial is a structure that creates a place…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Do No Harm
By Kaylee De Zalia
More than seventy years after the Holocaust,…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Inappropriate Memorials: Berlin’s Failure
By Katie Thomas
Memorials are used as tools with which the…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Hidden Truth inside East Berlin
By Jackie Myers
At the end of World War II, Germany was split…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Memorials and Memory
By Elon Clarke
Day after day on this trip, the other students…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Poland’s Elections: A Grim Future?
By Michael Kosowski
My face was pressed against the glass…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Memories, Reflections and the Holocaust
By Megan Gorenflo
When I was thirteen, I traveled with a school…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Auschwitz: An Experience and Lesson No One Should Ever Forget
By Meagan Edwards
Shortly after the end of the Second World…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
A Visit to Auschwitz
By Kylie Britt
As a student learning about the Holocaust,…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Shadows of a Hidden Past
By Kaylee De Zalia
At first glance, the Galicia Jewish Museum…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Appalling Auschwitz: Confronting the Past
By Katie Thomas
Recently, we have been discussing the differences…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Centennial Hall, Hope from the Past, a quiet message for the Future
By Elon Clarke
Begun as a space for the general public of…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
Inside the Barbed Wire Fences: Auschwitz and Birkenau
By Jacquelyn Myers
From around the world people have come…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Holocaust, in general
By: Kara McGrane
The Holocaust was a specific, disquieting…
8 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Lack of Discourse between Monuments and People
By: Kara McGrane
In most cases, a memorial is erected to commemorate…
8 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Marble made Monument
By: Megan Newell
The comfortable little gem of a city known…
4 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Stalin and Hitler as Statisticians
By: Megan Newell
While walking the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau,…
4 December 2014/by Ula KlobuszewskaLeaving Space for Memory
By: Jake “Andy” Fabrizio
Historical injustices do not…
3 December 2014/by Ula KlobuszewskaA Museum of Memory
By: Jake “Andy” Fabrizio
In the days leading up to our…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska“Colossal Cement”
By: Madeline Diorio
Three months after walking around foreign…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
By: Madeline Diorio
Following the Second World War Auschwitz-Birkenau…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Relations Between Peoples of a Troubled East Central Europe
By: Kevin Kuzniczci
From the mountains and foothills of the…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Reconstruction of Relations
By: Page Garbee
Generally when something breaks or falls…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Holocaust Memorial: An Individually Unique Experience
By: Samantha Avalos
During my process of reflection on my…
2 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Contemplation of Themes Concerning Identities
By: Kevin Kuzniczci
Throughout the semester abroad in Central…
27 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
“Commemorating the dead is part of human culture. Commemorating the fallen is … part of political culture.” War and Suffering Exhibit at the Military Museum in Dresden, Germany
By: Tory Russo
This semester we’ve visited countless sites…
26 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Reflections on the Remains of the Wall
By Kelsey Klimara and Samantha Avalos
While reflecting and…
26 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Weight of Memory
By: Katelyn Olsen
In a situation as tragic and unmatched as…
24 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
“Memories are built as a city is built.” – Umberto Eco
By: Tory Russo
...Or rebuilt. In Berlin - a city physically…
19 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
“Auschwitz Selfie Girl Defends Actions.”,
“Justin Bieber Hopes Anne Frank ‘would have been a Belieber.”…
8 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Reconciliation and Reconstruction in the 21st Century
By: Katelyn Olsen
When working with the memory and reconciliation…
4 November 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Unexpected Connections to the Past
By: Kelsey Klimara
I could probably reflect on my trip to…
4 November 2014/by Ula KlobuszewskaPaneriai Forest: Laid to Rest
By: Madeline Diorio
It is like an old story heard throughout…
4 November 2014/by Ula KlobuszewskaPreserving the Lost Identity through Memory: The Jewish Victims in the Borderlands
By: Kara McGrane
When visiting city after city, museum after…
15 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Beyond the Tears, Trees and Turmoil; the Road to Reconciliation
By Megan Newell
Our two and a half week travel seminar through…
9 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Axis of Fear In Historical Tragedy
By: Jacob Steckel
It is a strange phenomenon that, when facing…
8 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Absence of Community, Absence of Memory
By: Page Garbee
Dilapidation consumes the town of Krynki.…
8 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Experiences Within the Former Grand Duchy of Poland-Lithuania
By: Kevin Kuzniczci
From the time I had appeared at the…
8 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Moving Away from Indifference: The Hidden Past of Vilnius, Lithuania
By Kelsey Klimara
After traveling for 20 days and to seven…
8 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska“It’s impossible to imagine…”
By: Tory Russo
For me, the easiest way to understand is through…
8 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Ponary Forest Massacre
By: Jake “Andy” Fabrizio
Imagine the shock and outrage…
8 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Borderlands Foundation and the Town of Sejny
By: Samantha Avalos
Our two-week intensive travelling seminar…
7 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Remnants of the Past
By: Katelyn Olsen
Perhaps one of the saddest sights to see is…
6 October 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Berlin Wall
On our excursion to Berlin, Germany, the Berlin Wall memorial…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall served as a barrier between East and West…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Roma and Sinti Memorial
Tucked away, hidden, unimposing, quaint; these are words that…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Polish Soldiers’ Monument
Within the first week of being in Wroclaw, we climbed a hill…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism
Often times, when the word “Holocaust” is mentioned we only…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Kazimierz, a district of Poland’s southern city of Krakow,…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The New Jewish Cemetery in Wroclaw
Wroclaw’s New Jewish Cemetery was founded in 1902 when…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Institute of National Remembrance
The years of 1944-1945 are often falsely believed to be the beginning…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime
Background on Our Visit to the Memorial
by Arielle Ingrassia
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
The Church of Peace
Not far from Wrocław, in the small town of Świdnica, stands…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
Centennial Hall
The music rebounded through the historic setting; it was almost…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
For many people around the world with the most basic understanding…
23 June 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska