
Memories, Reflections and the Holocaust

By Megan Gorenflo When I was thirteen, I traveled with a school…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

Auschwitz: An Experience and Lesson No One Should Ever Forget

By Meagan Edwards Shortly after the end of the Second World…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

A Visit to Auschwitz

By Kylie Britt As a student learning about the Holocaust,…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

Shadows of a Hidden Past

By Kaylee De Zalia At first glance, the Galicia Jewish Museum…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

Appalling Auschwitz: Confronting the Past

By Katie Thomas Recently, we have been discussing the differences…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

Centennial Hall, Hope from the Past, a quiet message for the Future

By Elon Clarke Begun as a space for the general public of…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

Inside the Barbed Wire Fences: Auschwitz and Birkenau

By Jacquelyn Myers From around the world people have come…
10 June 2015/by Ula Klobuszewska

The Holocaust, in general

By: Kara McGrane The Holocaust was a specific, disquieting…
8 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

The Lack of Discourse between Monuments and People

By: Kara McGrane In most cases, a memorial is erected to commemorate…
8 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

Marble made Monument

By: Megan Newell The comfortable little gem of a city known…
4 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

Stalin and Hitler as Statisticians

By: Megan Newell While walking the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau,…
4 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

Leaving Space for Memory

By: Jake “Andy” Fabrizio Historical injustices do not…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

A Museum of Memory

By: Jake “Andy” Fabrizio In the days leading up to our…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

“Colossal Cement”

By: Madeline Diorio Three months after walking around foreign…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska


By: Madeline Diorio Following the Second World War Auschwitz-Birkenau…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

Relations Between Peoples of a Troubled East Central Europe

By: Kevin Kuzniczci From the mountains and foothills of the…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

The Reconstruction of Relations

By: Page Garbee Generally when something breaks or falls…
3 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska

The Holocaust Memorial: An Individually Unique Experience

By: Samantha Avalos During my process of reflection on my…
2 December 2014/by Ula Klobuszewska
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