
The forest at Panarei

The Holocaust, in general

By: Kara McGrane The Holocaust was a specific, disquieting…
One of, and in my opinion one of the most moving, exhibits in the museum that had individual stories and letters from victims, or relatives, of the Holocaust

Stalin and Hitler as Statisticians

By: Megan Newell While walking the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau,…
Photo by Arielle Ingrassia

A Museum of Memory

By: Jake “Andy” Fabrizio In the days leading up to our…
Photo of Block 27


By: Madeline Diorio Following the Second World War Auschwitz-Birkenau…
The Jorge Momondai Memorial in Dresden, Germany, dedicated to the victim of reunified Germany’s first murder committed because of xenophobia.  Jorge was a Mozambique worker, sent during the Communist era

Relations Between Peoples of a Troubled East Central Europe

By: Kevin Kuzniczci From the mountains and foothills of the…
You can see how the stairs in Auschwitz are now uneven due to the amount of traffic throughout the museum; Photo Credit: Simon Norfolk

The Reconstruction of Relations

By: Page Garbee Generally when something breaks or falls…
"Breanna Mitchell's selfie from the Auschwitz Concentration Camp which led her to be attacked by many on social media" Source: The Huffington Post

“Auschwitz Selfie Girl Defends Actions.”,

“Justin Bieber Hopes Anne Frank ‘would have been a Belieber.”…
Image 1

Unexpected Connections to the Past

By: Kelsey Klimara I could probably reflect on my trip to…
Photo by Arielle Ingrassia


For many people around the world with the most basic understanding…